
"One can not be a good teacher without learning and it is difficult to learn without teaching." 

(J. Willis Hurst, author)

Two Coasts´ Herding is organizing clinics with foreign teachers regularly. Main purpose is to train ourselves. I have been to a lot of clinics with many different teachers and will never stop learning by myself. Since a few years I stick on inviting Tanya Wheeler from Canada (Tucker Creek) once a year. She has been and still is my inspiration and a very good teacher. In addition we try to fill up our "toolbox" by having clinics with Raphi Hischier from Switzerland, one of the best doghandler I know. 

We also offer clinics, teached by us, the Two Coasts´ Herding Team. This includes a theoretical evening with all basic information and lessons with you and your dog on stock. Read about more details to our clinic programm below.

Two Coasts ´ HerdingClinic 2023

 Juliane Weiel 


Herdingclinic Level  I

"Bodylanguage - Pressure and Release"











  Herdingclinic Level II 

"Analyze & Plan" 

 autumn 24











Herdingclinic Level III

"Further Herdingskills" 

19.-21.03. 2024




 concept see below

 contact me for more information and application

Two Coasts´Herdingclinic Concept

Herdingclinic Level I

bodylanguage / Pressure & Release

Theorie Evening:

- stock / dog / human

- foundation of our Herding Education

   "the wall"

- Trainingpricipals

- "the bubble" - how lifestock is moving

- Logbook


Practical Part:

human to human lesson of

   "feeling pressure"   

human to stock (ducks and sheep) lessons

   "how lifestock moves off pressure"      human to dog lesson of

   "pressure and release"

presentation about how to move your dog without stock with your bodylanguage                

evaluation of your dog on stock 

3 Traininglessons on stock


Reflection due Logbook

Herdingclinic Level II

Analyze & Plan your Training

Theorie Evening: 

- evaluation of your dogs training

- Trainingmethods to build up 

- Logbook

- plan your own Training


Practical Part:

Independent Foundationtraining (Roundpens)

2 Traininglessons to build up your dogs foundation

2 Trainingslessons to step forward 


Reflection due Logbook


Herdingclinic Level III

Further herdingskills

Theorie Evening:

- further herdingskills and techniques 

- Logbook

- where is your dog in his education?

   plan your Training


Practical Part:

Independent Training

(Roundpens, Fields, Arena)

2 Traininglessons to build up your dogs herdingskills

2 Trainingslessons to step forward 


Reflection due Logbook

Flyer with Information and Application

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