Son Moody smells trial air for the first time.
Lio was so happy to come back to work after her puppy break. She did very well as usual with constant results qualifying all runs on sheep and geese with nice results and places. I still need to collect more experience and confidence on cattle. I´m very happy with my sweet girl!
We ran this year arena and field trials on all stock. What busy AHBA trials!!! Im very proud we qualified all runs and always under the first 3 places. Lio is now:
HTAD I on cattel
HTAD III on ducks and sheep
HTD II on ducks and sheep
She also got High Combined HTD II !!!!
adv. sheep place 6 score 534
adv. ducks place 5 score 539
adv. cattle place 7 score 289
Lio finished her WTCH titel on the first day of trials. She got 6 times High in trial advanced and High combined non WTCH all weekend. She qualified all runs on geese and sheep, most times over 100, highest score 117 on sheep
Lio got her first AHBA titels: